Nova Reid signs debut book The Good Ally with HQ Stories of Harper Collins

The summer of 2020 was quite an extraordinary time the will go down in the history books. Amongst the surge of interest in anti-racism work I have been quietly working behind the scenes on a project for sometime.I have longed to bring anti-racism work to as many people as possible and now, finally that dream is being realised. On the 3rd July I formerly announced my debut book; The Good Ally will be published in September 2021 by HQ Stories of Harper Collins and is now available for pre-order from your favourite book stores.The Good Ally will be the answer to all those cool cats like you who have started to really engage with their own privilege, prejudice and isms, and are asking ‘what next?’ Drawing on my experience in mental well-being, consulting and running a anti-racism course that is changing hearts and minds - with an intentional Black British bias, it will provide a clear breakdown of the issues, will help those wanting to become better allies; and in turn, human beings, those who are hungry to expand their knowledge and understanding of systemic racism, and those who not only want to be able to better recognise both subtle and overt forms of racism in action, but who want to know what to do about it.I’ve been birthing this book since 2018 and there have been 3 different versions, several drafts and 3 different titles and a whole lot more rejections. Now I understand why the multiple rejections along the way were entirely necessary, because they have allowed me to write this version and this is the version the world needs.I couldn’t be more delighted for my debut to be published by HQ, an imprint that champions bold and brave books. In the 24 months since I started writing this book, the world has shifted, it has gone through profound change. We are in the middle of what will be an important chapter in the history books and we all have a role to play in how this story ends. Anti-racism work has never felt more urgent and I’m looking forward to being able to bring this work to more people who are waking up.Thank you also to my literary agent - who is hilarious courageous and curious who is not only on this journey too, but never gave up on me even when I’d given up on myself.Much love. I cannot wait to get it finished for you!You can read the official press release here:  Header image: Ro Photographs


Nova Reid featured in Vogue Magazine


Conversations with Nova Reid New Podcast Series