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So good to see you here. My name is Nova. Which means new.
Someone once described me as a human geographer and it's stuck. I am incredibly curious and absolutely fascinated by human behaviour. I am a creative with more ideas than time - to summarise, I am a writer, producer and TED speaker.
I am a curator of courageous conversations on and off-stage that encourage us to be more honest and a lot more human.
Happily married, and am an avid collector… of shoes. I strongly dislike marmite. Love plantain. I am British-Jamaican. Care deeply about healing. My absolute favourite place to be is in the water, preferably swimming in the Caribbean Sea.

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I’ve always had a strong sense of fairness and injustice from a young age.
I find it difficult to tolerate human suffering, so I talk a lot about overcoming shame and collective healing for two reasons:- one, because whether we like it or not, we’re all connected and two, I truly believe if more people had access to adequate support and were dealing with their BS instead of projecting their hurt onto others, the world would look like a very different place.
I started my career as a professional actress, dancer and singer, studying at London Studio Centre and had the pleasure of performing to audiences from TV, stage and the largest - over 10,000 at Wembley Arena. I feel at home on stage, which is handy, as this foundation continues to serve me well with my joy for public speaking and storytelling. When the body (and mind) had enough, I re-trained as a holistic therapist, studied counselling skills at the University of Hertfordshire and NLP leadership and life coaching. I went on to work in mental wellbeing for 10 years supporting young people to have agency over their mental health - this profession became a firm foundation for my work with understanding human behaviour.
My entrepreneurial journey started when I got engaged to be married and was astonished at how whitewashed the wedding industry was. I counteracted this by founding Nu Bride, a multi-award winning wedding media platform which led me to being invited to attend the wedding of Harry and Meghan as a media expert. This evolved to regularly being asked to provide media commentary for the BBC and Sky News. Which then led to offer training, consultancy and deliver inspirational talks ranging from confidence and mental health to race. My curiosity has led me to work with some of the most brilliant companies, interview some exceptional human beings, produce film and podcasts, pioneering events and a transformative anti-racism academy. This then led me to write my bestselling debut book, The Good Ally.
The rest, as they say, is history.
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Here’s a little snippet into my world.
How it started…
How it’s going…
The producer bug in me really started in 2005/6 when I produced my own theatre show Young Gifted and Black (homage to Aretha Franklin and Nina Simone) at the Menier Chocolate Factory, London with the Musical Director of the Lion King at the time to provide a platform for talented young black actors who were underestimated and overlooked by agents and casting directors at the time. It attracted top agents and the attention of the BBC.
2021-2022 I was invited to be the anti-racism expert advisor to the panel in a very important year-long human rights Inquiry by Birthrights charity, to explore why Black women are 4-5 times more likely to die in childbirth and to address systemic racism in maternity care. Our report: Systemic Racism, not Broken Bodies, provides vital insights and makes recommendations for the NHS and healthcare providers to effectively tackle racism and improve health outcomes for Black women and birthing people.
To be continued…

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